chromDicts are lists of keyed data.tables that enable very fast computing times. Much like the primary PCBS function chromDict() which makes a chromDict of all locus ranks, the chromDictMeth() function makes is a list of chromosome-specific data.tables containing percent methylation differences at all loci..

chromDictMeth(mat, IDs, filter_thresh)



data.frame object containing percent methylation and locus information for all sites, in the format of eigen


character vector of IDs containing the common names for compared conditions. E.g., for samples trt1 & trt2 vs. ctl1 & ctl2, IDs=c("trt1", "ctl")


Integer, a coverage threshold for filtering, where CpG coverage of all samples must be larger than this value. Auto=50


Returns a list of data.tables for each chromosome, for faster analysis.


chromDictMethylDiff <- chromDictMeth(eigen, c("trt", "ctl"))
#> Removing low depth sites...
#> Calculating mean methylation differences...
#> Splitting by chromosome...